How it All Started

I was that kid in school who always had a fidget toy in hand. Call it my ADHD or just my nature, but I had to be toying with something. My go-to’s consisted of smooth stones, spinners, and a big silver coin.

My “fidget tendency” world was changed in 2019 when I was scrolling on Facebook and came across an ad by Aroundsquare. What the heck was a knucklebone? I had to have one. Then five. Fourteen knucklebones in, and I was still raving about these metal “beans.” They were so fun!

I realized my shiny, metal fidgets needed a home. I needed a protective container to store them in to keep them in their pure, scratch-free state. As a woodworker myself, I love being creative, and I was ecstatic to see what I could create in my shop. Now, a journey of trial and error later, I’ve perfected my designs, and I’m proud of the “bean box” I’ve created that protects the things I love. I’m so excited to share this product with all of you!

The days of scuffed, dented knucklebones are over. Drop one of my Boxo designs in your shopping cart, and I’ll start making your custom box. Let’s work together and get you that safe and functional home for your fidgets.

Connor Nichols